NayaCare News
Baby Safety at Home: A Dad’s Perspective
This month as we focus on baby safety, we talked with Santiago Ongay. He offered his perspective as a dad going through the process of babyproofing the house and their life. You can listen to the interview or read it below. Sonal Patel...
Babyproofed: Learned Lessons from a First-Time Mom
When I announced I was pregnant I was inundated with everyone’s helpful and not so helpful advice. The seasoned parents shared there stories, tips, and what I thought to be anecdotal advice. No one ever expressed how much time I would spend not only worrying about my...
Stay-at-Home Mom Struggles
Shortly after having my daughter, I made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom. Now, there were several things that contributed to this decision. The biggest being the fact that I had my daughter right at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and believed the...
Breastfeeding Struggles: In Their Own Words
Often times, people want to gloss over how hard it is to be a parent. Which inevitably makes people feel like they are alone in their struggles. Real talk, breastfeeding can be hard and moms experience breastfeeding struggles. As we embrace August as breastfeeding...
A Mom’s Perspective: Changes in the Breastfeeding Dyad
With a wave like flick of my daughter’s wrist and the “eh” noise in the tone I know so well I know it is time for milk. We have taught my daughter the sign for milk, but in her frantic hangry baby state of mind it has become this super urgent wave instead of the...
Finding Balance as a New Mom
Life with a highly active, ever evolving, and what seems like CONSTANTLY teething 15-month-old can be an adventure to say the least. This leaves me more often than not trying to figure out how to find a balance. As moms we just seem to be hardwired to...
An Open Letter to the Colorado Legislature re: HB 21-1232
From a Maternal Health and Pediatric Physician: reasons why we, Physicians, are against Colorado HB 21-1232. I am a Neonatologist and Pediatrician with a focus on delivering high quality care that supports maternal mental health. I have been a resident of...
Bath time: How often should I bathe my baby?
For new parents, this is a constant ask and worry if they are doing the right thing. Commercials depicting a smiling baby lathered in gentle bubbles is an image most parents want to replicate. And like any aspect of parenting, there is the ideal image and...
Now is the time for postpartum home visits
I ring the doorbell, waiting patiently outside. I hear a weak “coming” and some shuffling. Who greets me is a mother in her robe, hunched over at the waist, supporting her protruding postpartum belly. Her hair is disheveled. Her mask is...
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