Episode 6: Emmy

Episode 6: Emmy

Emmy had a complicated pregnancy, but this time it wasn’t due to the pandemic. This was Emmy’s second child and her second high risk pregnancy.

She had her sweet little girl just before the world shut down. But, she still had to deal with Covid.  

Just after delivery, Emmy’s little girl was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition.

They soon found out that she would need surgery to correct the condition and they were right back in the hospital. 

Thankfully Emmy’s parents could watch their older daughter, but when they got home, the support ended. The lockdowns started and they were left without helping hands.

To say that she was excited about having home visits would be an understatement. 

In fact, the team of specialists who repaired her daughter’s heart were surprised to hear that Emmy and her baby would be safe at home. It was a good surprise! 

Listen as Emmy shares her story and why she wishes women and medical professionals talked about the perils of pregnancy more often.

Complicated pregnancies aren’t rare. Let’s normalize talking about them and raising awareness. 

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Episode 5: Caitlin

Episode 5: Caitlin

There was nothing else. Everyone needs to know about in-home postpartum care. At least that’s what Caitlin believes.

When she was pregnant with her second child she knew that she wanted a different experience. Listen to hear her story. 

With her first child, Caitlin thought being a former fitness instructor who’d worked out all through her pregnancy meant she’d have an easy postpartum experience.

Instead she found herself tired and suffering through the anxiety and uncertainty that comes with the postpartum experience.

With her second she knew she wanted a different experience. She found NayaCare and decided that no matter if insurance covered it or not, she wanted in-home visits.

Amazingly, insurance covered her visits and her pelvic floor therapy, so always remember to check!

Instead of feeling lost and confused while at a pediatrician’s office, she and her baby were able to stay home and receive the care they needed.

Her postpartum experiences were completely different and she would definitely recommend checking out in-home care, no matter your situation. 

Listen as she shares her experiences with both pregnancies and why she’s so adamant about the personal, in-home experience. She loved that her husband was included in the care plan and that she felt like her whole family was able to heal and transform into this new season of life. 

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Episode 4: Meagan

Episode 4: Meagan

To go from not being sure you wanted to have a baby, to finally thinking now was the time, to being plopped into the middle of a pandemic would be a lot for anyone.

Meagan had been struggling with anxiety and depression and surprisingly, despite the hardships, had an amazing pregnancy. 

She never really pictured herself as a mom. When her mom moved back to her area, she knew that it was the right time to try.

After stopping all birth control, she was told it would take a while to get pregnant. After one cycle, the test said positive. 

She was pretty surprised despite the fact that they were trying. Her anxiety however did not spike. She managed her emotions and kept herself steady because she knew another life was depending on her to do it. 

When Covid became a reality her entire plan went out the window. Slowly but surely her family started moving out of the area and everything she had envisioned for her birth was turned on its head. 

Listen as she shares her story and how Covid affected her pregnancy and delivery. She thought in-home postpartum care was outside of her reach, but she was more than pleasantly surprised with what she found in NayaCare.

We were so thankful to be able to impact her postpartum healing in a positive way!

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My Favorite First Foods

My Favorite First Foods

My favorite first foods is part of the NayaCare series, The Pediatrician Meets the Nutritionist which provides a nutritionist and pediatrician perspective on introducing solid food into your baby’s diet.

Sonal Patel, MD, Pediatrician:  

When we start introducing baby food, developmentally, we want babies to be sitting upright supported with good head and neck control.  Most babies master this by 6 months.  Other signs of readiness include interest in what parents are eating, reaching out for food, and opening their mouth once food is near. 

“Food is fun until one (year).”  This statement acknowledges that the nutrition coming from food does not replace any milk feeds (breast or formula).  Therefore, take the stress out of feeding.  Make it an opportunity to explore textures and tastes with your little one for the next 6 months.  When starting, there is no schedule.  However, it is easiest when you are eating as well.  Subconsciously, this sets the idea of “family meals” as your little one grows.  

Now, the debate over puree versus solids is just that– a debate.  Foods that can be mashed up do not necessarily have to be fully pureed. For example, a ripe banana can be served with blending breastmilk/water or hand held.  The general rule of thumb is start with what YOU feel comfortable with: puree, mashed, solid, bought or homemade.  

The concept of baby led weaning (BLW) in which you introduce formed food is sometimes concerning to parents due to choking hazard.  However, a recent research study looking at BLW and choking demonstrated no increased risk.  When feeding your baby, puréed or solids, you need to supervise and monitor portions to prevent choking.  You cannot simply just walk away.  Infant CPR is recommended.  Lastly, allowing your baby to play with food placed on their high chair or hand held spoon helps develop fine motor skills.  

Emily Pierson, NFC, MNT: 

Bananas are one of my favorite first foods for many reasons, the first being that they basically have their own enzymes that help to break down the food, this makes for easy digesting for new tummies.  The fiber in bananas also helps prevent bloating and constipation. Bananas are also a great source of potassium – this important nutrient supports cellular function and acts as an electrolyte to aid in hydration. 

Ways to serve baby banana: puree or mash alone or with a bit of breast milk or formula with a pinch of cinnamon – OR – peel a bit of banana for baby to hold, leaving a bit of the skin on one end for baby to grab. 

Wait until bananas are almost over-ripe before serving to the baby, this will make them softer and less of a choking hazard.  At this stage they will also contain more enzymes to aid in their digestion. Look for one that is soft, but not mushy, with a few small brown spots.

Another one of my favorite baby foods! Avocados are full of healthy fats to support brain development and fiber to support digestion.  Avocados also contain Zinc and Vitamin E, two important nutrients for immune health, as well as many growth-supporting B vitamins.  Because avocados are soft, they aren’t usually considered much of a choking hazard, but as always, stay close by and keep an eye on your baby while they are eating.  

When first introducing avocadoes to a baby, I like to offer large, thick spears of ripe avocado with the skin still on, this allows the baby to get a better grip on the food, just be sure to wash the skin before cutting.  Another option is to mash up some avocado and mix with breast milk or formula and serve to the baby in a puree style.  

I like these spoons for first-time eating practice: ChooMee FlexiDip Baby Starter Spoon

Recently on the NayaCare Blog

Episode 3: Lauren

Episode 3: Lauren

It didn’t seem like it was going to be all that bad! Lauren had her beautiful baby boy right as our area began to shut down. But she wasn’t at all prepared for how Covid impacted her postpartum care and journey.

Listen as she shares her story and why she’s so happy she invested in NayaCare for her postpartum care. 

Lauren and her husband were told that it may take a while for them to get pregnant. They began trying right after they got married, and surprise! In month one they had a positive pregnancy test. 

Her pregnancy went great. No crazy symptoms or issues. Then as she prepared to go into the hospital, things started to go sideways. 

She was supposed to have the support of her mom and her mother-in-law, but they weren’t allowed at the hospital. Her husband was allowed to be there, unmasked, but she had to labor with a mask on. 

The biggest challenge however came when they finally got home with their precious bundle. Their support system couldn’t be there to help them out.

Colorado was completely locked down at that time, so they couldn’t receive visitors. 

One thing that went right however was not having to go anywhere else for their appointments. Her home visits were a life saver.

Now that her family has been able to see their little one and they’ve been able to go out, things are looking up. She wishes she’d had those little moments earlier, but she’s soaking them up and so grateful to appreciate them to the fullest. 

Listen in to hear her full story and learn more about Lauren’s postpartum experience during Covid.

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